The Stress-Free Golf Swing Review –  Ben Hogan’s REAL Golf Swing Secret 

January 18, 2023 by Joe

Stress-Free Golf Swing

Whether you are beginning or have been playing golf and want to improve your game The Stress-Free Golf Swing is something to take a look at.

Jeff Richmond, Creator and owner of the very popular website Consistent Golf (100,000 golfers that subscribe to his blog) discovered the secret move used by the legendary golfer Ben Hogan.

In March of 2015, Jeff was studying the head movements of 23 present and past professional golfers swing and compared it to Ben Hogan’s swing.

Jeff discovered Ben Hogan’s swing was different than was used by golfers and taught by PGA coaches, including Jeff himself.

After many months of successfully using the Ben Hogan method he decided to put the secret move in a training format called The Stress-Free Golf Swing.

Ben Hogan was involved in a serious car accident in 1949 that nearly cost him his life. After spending months in the hospital, and being told by doctors he would never walk (and certainly never play golf) again, it seemed his career was over. However in reality, because of his 1 secret move that he developed after the accident went on to win 6 of his 9 career majors AFTER his accident, including his famous 3 major season in 1953.

The Stress-Free Golf Swing is not to become Ben Hogan, but to improve your swing and have fun doing it.

My Review

The Stress-Free Golf Swing was created by Jeff Richmond of  
There is an interesting story to the creation of this swing, because Jeff claims he accidently
discovered a secret move that Ben Hogan made in his golf swing.

Jeff says he made this discovery on the 5th of March, 2015.  

Jeff knows the exact date because the discovery was made when he was analyzing
23 great golfers swings for a blog post he was doing, to see how much head movement
great golfers have in their swings.

The move Jeff found Ben Hogan does is completely contrary to what is traditionally
aught in the golf swing, and after discovering it Jeff was keen to try it himself.  After
trying the move Jeff played a game a week later and hit 14 greens in regulation.  Then
for the next 8 months Jeff continued to use the move and averaged 12 greens in regulation
over that period, up from an average 10 greens in regulation.

After another great ball striking game in October Jeff decided to make this move public.  
He waited so long because he didn’t believe Ben Hogan had a secret that would work
for everyone.  

But Jeff realized that his continued great results could not be denied.  

So he put his discovery into a detailed PDF and made some videos to show how to do
this move, and announced it to his 100,000+ golfers that follow him, for them to try.  
But he only put it on the market for 7 days, to get a small test group of golfers to test
it out and to see if the secret move would work for them as well as it did for Jeff.  
This took place on the 20th of November, 2015.

On the 28th of January, 2016 Jeff emailed the testers for their feedback, and the results
astounded Jeff.  A small selection of the results from those golfers can be seen here: The Stress-Free Golf Swing.

So what is the one secret move?

  I can say that the one secret move goes completely against what is taught traditionally
in the golf swing.  And this one swing secret makes timing a lot easier.  

Jeff provides proof of Ben Hogan before the accident and after the accident showing this
magic move, which I like.  As Ben Hogan said about his secret, “it’s easy to spot if you know
where to look”.

And it is very easy to spot.

When you get The Stress-Free Golf Swing you get a PDF and videos that show you how to do
this move.  It’s a very simple move in theory, but for most people it will take a bit of getting
used to, as it’s a contrary move to what is taught in the golf swing and what pretty much every
golfer would be used to.

But when you get this one move, the results are amazing.  

The golf swing is much easier to time and perfect.

The golf swing becomes simple and easy to repeat.

 So if you want to hit the ball further and straighter, go here to check
out The Stress-Free Golf Swing. I can’t recommend this highly enough. 

What You Get With The Stress-Free Golf Swing

  1. 160 Page Book In PDF Format
  2. 21 Online Videos
  3. 1 Page PDF Cheat Sheet
  4.  No Risk 60-day trial NOW


  • Program is easy to follow
  • Value-packed and affordable
  • Good for golfers of any experience level and physical ability
  • Contains great practical advice
  • Convenient format allows electronic viewing anywhere


  • No physical copy currently available
  • Likely won’t see improvement in your game if not implemented correctly


If you are looking to improve your golf, The Stress-Free Golf Swing program is for you.

The instructions are easy to follow, the flow is natural and will learn with little difficulty.

And with a No Risk 60 day Trail you have nothing to loss.

I Started playing golf in 1970 and learned the hard way. I hope with the information and reviews this will make it easier to improve your game and have fun doing it.

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